Attendance Allowance for 66+

Have you told your mum and dad about this?

February 02, 20253 min read

As your parents approach their mid-sixties, you might notice them struggling with daily tasks whilst also hesitating to ask for help. 

Attendance Allowance for 66+

Maintaining independence is obviously what everyone wants – but time being the pest it is, does insist on marching onward.   However there some little-known information for when they turn 66, which could be a game-changer for their independence and your peace of mind. As they become eligible for UK Attendance Allowance, a benefit that was brought in through National Insurance back in the 70s that many people either don’t know about or have forgotten.

Firstly (eyeing my own mum as I write this…) Attendance Allowance isn't about admitting defeat; it's about empowering your parents to maintain their quality of life. With a possible payment of up to £108.55 per week tax-free, they can access the support they need without feeling like they're burdening you. Whether it's hiring help for household chores, investing in mobility aids, or covering transportation costs to appointments or trips to maintain friendships.  As with everyone – extra money gives them options.

Remember those times your mum or dad seemed reluctant to ask for assistance?  Or you’ve torn yourself in two trying to be at the kid’s assembly, a parents’ medical appointment and maybe fit some work in at some point during the day.   Attendance Allowance can alleviate some of that guilt for all concerned. It's not means-tested, so their savings or income won't affect eligibility. Plus, it might even increase other benefits they're receiving.

By encouraging your parents to apply, you're not just helping them financially; you're supporting their dignity and independence. It's a way to ensure they can stay in their own home longer, surrounded by familiar comforts. So, have that conversation – it could be the key to prolonging their independence and enhancing their golden years!

However, the downside is that it is a nightmare to apply for – at thirty pages long the application process is lengthy to say the least and confusing to say it more clearly. 

Help with Attendance Allowance

It’s considered that nearly 60% of people don’t fulfil on an application enough to get it cleared which leaves a lot of people entitled to this payment without the opportunity to benefit.  For example recent stats indicate that there are approximately only 424,000 people who claim for suffering from Arthritis out of 1.5million people who would currently be eligible. Using an expert firm or analyst to support your application could be a smart decision and net an extra £942 a month per couple if each of them are awarded the highest bracket.  They should only ever ask for them to pay a pre-determined fixed fee – and only once the help has resulted in an approved case.  Whilst you are committing to pay for the companies’ time, the allowance awarded is lifelong, and would likely pay for itself within the backdated claim made on your behalf. 

It's important to note that Attendance Allowance cannot be backdated to cover any period before the date of the claim (but will start from the date of enquiry).  Therefore, it's advisable for your parents to apply as soon as they believe they might be eligible to maximise their potential benefits.

 Get in touch today - or complete the two-min check on our website to clarify your position!

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